Fellow Nigerians, I finally found my way to Kigali, Rwanda, two weeks ago. I had procrastinated and postponed that journey for too long, for no justifiable reason. I visit Nairobi quite regularly and could easily have travelled to Rwanda, as part of my trip, but it never happened because for once, I simply did not put my mind to it. My interest in Rwanda had been stirred by recent news and events in that country for some years now. I had heard and read so much about the amazing transformation going on in a country that witnessed one of the deadliest civil wars in 1994, just about the time Nigeria was going through the June 12, 1993 Presidential election crisis. Today, Rwanda has virtually recovered physically, even if not psychologically, from the scourge of that tragic, destructive and devastating war but our dear beloved country Nigeria is yet to come out of the after-effect of the political imbroglio which culminated in the death of the two prime actors in the June 12 1993 after...